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Fecurity MW2 / WZ 2.0


Fecurity MW2 is the best up-to-date user friendly Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 enhancement. Gain an absolute competitive edge over your opponents with hand’s down the best software you can find also including every feature you could ask for.
This soft also works on:
COD: MW2 (2022)
COD: Warzone 2.0
COD: MW (2019)


▸ Win Ver: 1909 – all new (Windows 10 only)(Home and Pro but better use Pro version)

Enabled Checkbox
Type (Mouse, Silent) Types of aimbot
Aim Key Keybind
Hitbox key keybind
Ignore Knocked Targets Checkbox
Style (Bind, Scope, Attack)
Switch Target Delay Slider ms
NoRecoil Checkbox
DrawFov Checkbox
Prediction Checkbox
Visible Only Checkbox
Fov Slider
Aim Speed Horizontal Slider
Aim Speed Vertical Slider

Enabled Checkbox
Enemy Only Checkbox
Player Group:
Visible Only Checkbox
Auto Enemy Mark Checkbox
Box Checkbox
Box Type (Rect, Corner, Rounded Rect) Combobox
Box Outline Checkbox
Distance Checkbox
Weapon Name Checkbox
Health Bar Checkbox
Armor Bar Checkbox
Nicknames Checkbox
Ping Checkbox
Rank Checkbox
Kills Checkbox
Max Distance Slider
Glow Checkbox
Fill Checkbox
ColorVisible ColorPicker
ColorInvisible ColorPicker
Line Width Slider
Mode (Default, Collapsed, Thermal)
GlowGroup End
PlayerGroup End
Loot Enabled Checkbox
Distance Checkbox
Cache Delay Slider
Max Distance Slider

Weapons Checkbox
Grenades Checkbox
Ammo Checkbox
Offhand Checkbox
Armor Checkbox
Killstreak Checkbox
Money Checkbox
Market Checkbox
Contracts Checkbox
LootFilter End
LootGroup End

Override Fov Checkbox
Override Fov -> Value Slider
Juggernaut UAV Checkbox
Quiet steps Checkbox
Adjustment Checkbox
Slide Cancel Checkbox
Unlocker Group:
Loadout Future Checkbox
Weapons Checkbox
Blueprints Checkbox
Charms Checkbox
Stickers Checkbox
Sights Checkbox
Attachments Checkbox
Operators Checkbox
Replicas Checkbox
Finishers Checkbox
Use animations for visuals Checkbox
Animations speed multiplayer Slider
DPI Scale -> Slider
Utils Group:
Reload Fonts Button
Reload Functions Button
Detach Software Button

You Will Get Three Optinos To Choose From

1 Day

1 Week

1 Month

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